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Some of these fun facts coming up were sad and some were happy. 


*Cows were sacrificed between races.


*Ancient athletes did it just for the sake of it and now they want money for it.


*Now there are more than 27,000 competitors from 200 countries.


*Police officers watch very closely to see if anyone is cheating. 


*People in hospitals would come and play in paralympics. 


*Gymnasts were very small so then it was easy for them to rotate


*There was a procession from Elis 30 or 40 miles away from the stadium when the games first started. 


Fun Facts!

My Favorite

My favorite fact about this topic was people train for years before they start going to the olympics because that shows how dedicated they are to their sport and how they do at the Olympics. 

This shows that even people with problems happening to them are so dedicated to do their sport. 

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